Cash Back Rewards
3 ways you can make cash back1 rewards even more rewarding
So — you’ve earned cash back1 rewards with your Wisely® card. Congrats! Now it’s time to put them to good use. If you’re someone who enjoys giving back, here are three simple ways you can make cash back rewards even more rewarding by using them to help others.

Donate purchases you make with your cash back1 rewards
Create a Savings Envelope.2 Then, as cash back1 rewards from Wisely card purchases add up use them to buy gifts (e.g., clothes) for donation to the charity of your choice.
Shop at local and/or minority-owned small businesses
The cash back1 rewards you earn are great for spending at your favorite small businesses.
Use eGift cards you’ve purchased through Wisely to buy gifts for your friends and family.
Be the kindness you’d like to see in the world by using eGift cards you’ve redeemed on the myWisely app to buy gifts for your friends and family.